Simple tips for Better Travel Pictures

Do your friends and relatives beg to see your travel pictures? Or do they suddenly get very busy when you mention a slide show?
Follow this blog to find out how to take, share, and preserve wonderful memories with the photos from your special trip. These tips are for the traveler who uses a simple point and shoot digital camera and keeps it on the automatic setting most of the time.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What's the Flower For?

There are times when you might want to try another feature found on all cameras.  The button or dial with the little flower symbol is for the macro or closeup setting.  This setting allows you to take well-focused pictures of objects that are very close; from a few centimeters up to a couple of feet from your camera lens.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do you REALLY need more pixels?

After a few years with the same camera, many people start to think that maybe there must be something new and better out there to purchase.  My first digital camera - purchased about 1991 - had 3 megapixels.  I gave that one to my husband because I wanted one I could put in my pocket.  He is still very happy with it, especially as it takes great inside pictures with very true colors. The fewer megapixels are perfect for uploading pictures to newsletters, ebay or craig's list too.  I miss its optical viewfinder and great closeups.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Make the Iconic Landmark New and Interesting - #1

No one would ever travel to Egypt without taking pictures of the pyramids or to Sydney and not take photos of the Opera house.  Yet, people have seen so many pictures of both it may be difficult to excite interest in seeing your pictures.  The challenge is to make your photographs different.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tip #1 - Choose the Right Camera

The Good News: You do NOT have to buy a $1,000 (or even $500) camera; you do NOT have to lug around a heavy camera and a case full of lenses, filters and an unwieldy tripod; and you definitely do NOT have to be a professional photographer to get great pictures.  The important thing is to have a camera suited to your comfort and ability level.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tip #2 - Use an Extended Zoom Camera

Tip #2. My recommendation is to buy a relatively inexpensive used or refurbished (try Amazon or Ebay) camera with an EXTENDED OPTICAL ZOOM and image stabalization.  Most cameras will only give you a 3X zoom lens. I love the travel photos I get with my pocket size Panasonic camera because of its 14X Leica zoom lens.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tip #3 - Own a Pocket Sized Camera

Tip #3 - Choose a camera that fits in your pocket. This is an easy one since most digital cameras are pocket-sized.  The newest extended zoom cameras, termed  "Bridge" cameras are enticing buyers by offering more adjustable settings and an electronic viewfinder.