Simple tips for Better Travel Pictures

Do your friends and relatives beg to see your travel pictures? Or do they suddenly get very busy when you mention a slide show?
Follow this blog to find out how to take, share, and preserve wonderful memories with the photos from your special trip. These tips are for the traveler who uses a simple point and shoot digital camera and keeps it on the automatic setting most of the time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Loving Those Lines

Strong lines - whether they are vertical, horizontal, diagonal or converging can add a whole new dimension to a photo.  Unfortunately, I haven't really started "seeing" the lines around me yet.  This must be another part of the photographer's eye that develops with practice and experience.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Look for the Signs

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a few words are worth a picture too.  Often travelers have pictures of themselves in front of attraction signs to help them remember where they were. The photos are taken to assist in telling the story of the trip.  Not as many people are likely to take photos of road signs, but these, too, can tell a story.