Simple tips for Better Travel Pictures

Do your friends and relatives beg to see your travel pictures? Or do they suddenly get very busy when you mention a slide show?
Follow this blog to find out how to take, share, and preserve wonderful memories with the photos from your special trip. These tips are for the traveler who uses a simple point and shoot digital camera and keeps it on the automatic setting most of the time.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Making it Move

Would you rather view pictures that are static and just "there" or photos that show movement and life?  I vote for the latter.  Video is great when movement is what you are trying to show, but it doesn't work in a photo album.  Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques anyone can use to help pictures come alive.
Rule #1 has to do with taking pictures of animals or people who are moving.  When your subject is in profile always have more space in front of the subject than in back.  Centering the subject creates a very static image.  Look at the difference a little change in position makes in terms of added movement for the photos below.

And, if you don't have the composition quite right when you take the picture, you can always crop it to get the right effect.

Cairo, Egypt

Denali National Park, Alaska